Mary Oscar Stronger Together

We have four beautiful children, George (12), Mary (10),Oscar (8) and Arthur (20 months). 
Our route to diagnosis has been long. Mary had developmental delays and was diagnosed with ASD, at the severe end of the spectrum, in November 2018. Oscar also had developmental problems, starting at 2 months old where he was unable to keep feed down. His issues continued to develop to the point where he has an unsafe swallow, is non-verbal, and has severe mobility limitations.
At the end of 2020, both Oscar and Mary were diagnosed with Rett Syndrome through the 100,000 Genome Project.
We are looking to raise funds that help us be the family we always wanted to be and to be able to do the things "normal" families think nothing of doing.
George has been a trooper, helping us and his siblings as much as he can (without us asking), but we want to give him as much of a real childhood as possible. We are unable to do a lot of the things his friends are doing with their siblings. We all love being outside and having fun as a family.
Through you, our amazing supporters, we have been able to build a safe playing area for the family; a fenced-off zone in the garden that includes a sensory room, a pergola that will have sensory elements, an enclosed in-ground trampoline, and a play area that can safely be used by all the family.
Also with thanks to our supporters, we've been able to raise funds towards securing a wheelchair accessible vehicle (WAV) to help meet our family's transport needs.
Our next fundraising target is to help us get Mary and Oscar to NAPA UK (
. Should we be able to raise £11040, Mary and Oscar would be able to attend a 3 week intensive therapy program, customised to their individual needs, that will give them huge progress in their development.
As always, thank you so much for all your support. We truly are stronger together!

Total Raised




Fundraise for this child

Latest donations

£40 from Skeggs

“Happy 40th”

£20 from The Shorters

“Happy Birthday Tom xxx”

£20 from Nadia & Steve Sterry

Our Impact

With over 30 years’ experience, we have helped thousands of families and have grown to meet increasing demand. Read our latest impact report to be inspired and find out more about our journey.


Children helped

£1.2 million

Raised in the last year